The best and most accurate way to find your ring size is to head to your local jeweller. The width of a ring can make a huge difference to the size required, so if the ring is narrow (less than 5mm) it is important to be sized for a NARROW ring, and if is a wide ring (greater than 5mm) you must be sized for a WIDE ring. You can measure the inside diameter of the ring, but it must be done with callipers for accuracy (see below). Most of my designs can be created to custom specifications, so if you have any queries please contact me via the form on my website.



A bangle is a round design, and slides over the hand. The easiest way to find your bangle size is to measure the INSIDE diameter of a bangle that you wear and fits well (see below). If you don’t have a bangle, you can head to your local jeweller for a size, or, last resort, measure your hand circumference (around the knuckles at the base of you fingers) with a measuring tape.



Cuffs are designed to be warn on the part of the wrist between the hand and wrist bone. They are a snug fit compared to a bangle, and are slipped on over the arm, rather then over the hand. The size for a cuff is taken by measuring the widest internal point of the cuff (see below). The best way to get your size is by going to your local jeweller or taking a measurement from a cuff you already wear. If this isn’t an option, you can find your size by placing your wrist snugly between two books, and taking the INSIDE measurement between the spines. Some cuffs can be resized, so let me know if you have any questions!




Find your bracelet size by measuring the length of a chain you already wear, or wrapping a chain necklace/cord/string around your wrist – not too snug and not too loose - and measuring the length.
